In a sensational Friday evening of cricket, Mackie U17s blasted out Toorak-Prahran Red, all out for 61, with Ross Barlas taking 3 wickets, Jonty Wiseman taking two, and Martinz, Ho & Auld taking a wicket each.
Late in the evening, Mackie passed the Red’s score, being 0/63, Matt Stoupas 38 n.o. and Will Auld 12 n.o.
The Mackie boys can choose to have some batting practice and/or go for the outright. The game continues at Orrong Park, Orrong Road, opposite the old Prahran footy ground on Friday evening at 4.45pm.
Both U12 teams are in balanced positions after the first day of their semi-finals. Both teams continue their games on the Mackie Oval on each of the Saturday and Sunday mornings respectively.