Ross Henderson has been elected to the new Executive Committee role of Vice President – Female Cricket at the Mackie Cricket Club Annual General Meeting last Wednesday. Ross has already made contributions to the club as a scorer and manager of both junior and female sections of the club, and his election reflects the gratitude of the club and the respect with which he is held. The new role was created because the female section has increased so substantially over the last two years that it needed its own management.

As per last year, the meeting was held via Zoom because of Covid-19 restrictions but ran smoothly without any technical glitches. Key reports were distributed to members via the internet prior to the meeting. The AGM opened with a review of the Agenda proceedings, including the passing of the Minutes from the previous AGM.

John Tantram gave the President’s report outlining areas of growth and success for the club. He thanked the Executive, and other officials, assistants, helpers, and supporters, especially our key sponsors – Bendigo Bank, Timbertech, Harris Butchers, Gary Peer, Super Easy Storage, Virginia Park Cafe, Grill’d Carnegie, among others.

John Park delivered the Treasurer’s report that showed a wonderful turnaround of the club finances, a substantial profit, and an increase in the club’s bank balance and assets.

All other key executive roles were returned unopposed, as follows:

President: John Tantram

Vice President – Female Cricket: Ross Henderson (new)

Vice President – Junior Cricket: Ryan Fishlock

Vice President – Senior Cricket: Dale Park

Treasurer: John Park

Secretary: Michael Pahoff

After the elections, Michael gave a short update on the Mackie Road Reserve Masterplan and the Covid-19 procedures for next season. This was expanded by Rosa who has volunteered to be our Covid-19 Coordinator again, for the coming season. Her efforts last year were appreciated by all and we are lucky to have her.

There were questions by members relating to player recruitment, coaching, starting dates for the season, and opportunities to volunteer for roles at the club, which were duly answered.

The AGM was closed, running a good time of 54 minutes.