On May 4th, a special Glen Eira City Council (GEC) meeting passed its 2021-22 Draft Budget. In it, the GEC has allocated $100,000 to the design of a new master plan of Mackie Reserve that will focus on the Mackie pavilion.



(Screenprint from GEC Draft Budget 2021-22. Please magnify to read.)

After speaking with GEC, the Mackie Cricket Club Exec are pleased to announce that the master plan project implementation, i.e., the pavilion rebuild, should occur in the next 3 to 5 years. The Mackie Exec is also putting together ideas for the master plan, which will be presented to GEC in the coming weeks. Already, we have a draft document which you are welcome to review and suggest amendments.

Mackie Masterplan written document

Furthermore, we encourage all Mackie Cricket Club interested parties to ‘Have Your Say’ on the GEC Draft Budget 2021-22, on the following link

