This is a story of a Mackie family. The immediate family consists of Amanda and Steve, Taylor and Harisson. Amanda’s Nan also lives with them.
Just over 18mths ago Steve came home from playing cricket with a sore back. Some days later a visit to the doctor sent this family on the toughest journey they’ve ever had. Steve’s had been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer.
Amanda and Steve work within departments of Victoria Police and their support has been amazing! But as most people would know this is a long journey. Annual leave, sick leave, compassionate leave, long service…. all of these run out!
The family is active across their community. There is no better evidence of that than Steve’s commitment to Mackie Cricket Club over the past 10+ years.
They’ve had setbacks and challenges as this cancer has a way of responding – or not responding – to treatment. Steve’s having a rough time but he continues to be present wherever he can and do what he can for his family.
This is important because this could be anyone’s journey. Steve just went to play cricket that day….
Donating to someone you know is a fantastic gesture. However, even if you don’t know someone, making a gesture of support is touching and goes a long way. So if you do/don’t know this family but can relate then it would be great to receive a gesture of kindness. If you’re in a position to assist then please do so.
No amount is too small as it all ads up. The Neophytou family will use this money to pay for overhead expenses while their time, effort and funds are all being channeled into Steve’s treatment.
Thank you in advance for your thoughts, sharing this with people you know, or are people who personally know this family. Steve has been part of the Mackie family for over 10 years. In that time he has contributed in many ways as a player, captain, chairman of selectors and all round good clubman. Community clubs run on the support of people like Steve…now is our time to help him and his family!
Follow the link below to go the GoFund me page that has been created by a family friend.