New Play Space
Mackie Cricket Club welcomes the investment in Mackie Road Reserve from Glen Eira City Council as they continue to invest in facilities and open space for our community. The council is inviting feedback from community on the current phase of development at Mackie Road Reserve. The council recently released concept plans for play space at the north western corner of Mackie Road Reserve. This proposed play space will be a great addition.
You can review and have your say by visiting the council website here – complete the survey by Sunday 11 June 2023.
The Masterplan
We are a year on from the announcement of the Masterplan for Mackie Road Reserve and it is pleasing to see the plan starting to come to life. The announcement from Nick Staikos in October 2022 committing $3 million to the redevelopment was great news.
The Mackie Cricket Club is very much looking forward to the next stages of design (and eventual works) as it relates to a new Pavillon.
Bursting at the seams
The 2022-23 season just completed saw Mackie CC field 10 senior teams including 2 women’s teams. There were also 14 junior teams including 3 girl’s teams. Managing over 200 participants in a clubrooms built in the 1960’s has become very difficult! Further investment in Mackie Road Reserve is urgently required. This will ensure the facilities keep pace with the community around them.
Next year will see the club celebrate 70 years since some visionary Tudor Street residents stopped the encroaching housing developments. They worked hard to create space for the local community. These same people founded Mackie Cricket Club. Without them there would be no Mackie Road Reserve! As the oldest and only continuous tenant of the reserve, Mackie Cricket Club is hopeful of not having to wait too many more summers to get the facilities that our members and the local community deserves.