On Wednesday evening, at Mackie Reserve, our newest Mackie team, our 11 & Under Girls Team played their first match. This is an amazing effort as Mackie Girls are now fielding three teams, 16 & Under, 13 & Under, and 11 & Under. Congratulations must go to Ryan Fishlock, our Vice President – Junior Cricket, Ross Henderson, Vice President – Female Cricket, a host of supporting parents, and the enthusiasm of the girls, themselves.
This season, we were only planning for two junior girls teams, but the strength in our Mackie community has achieved above expectations.
Also this season, Mackie as a club, overall, will be fielding 19 teams in Vets, Senior & Junior – male & female – as well as having new junior and senior turf teams.
Congrats to everyone, and amazing things can be achieved in our forward-thinking environment.
Go Mackie!