Hi to all of our Mackie family

Even though it is the offseason it is still important to support our sponsors who have supported ourselves. Their support is critical to help us offset our general fixed costs (including City Of Glen Eira fees, Cricket balls and equipment, Trophies, Umpires, Association fees, Clubroom maintenance and improvement, Insurance and Licences) which are now approaching $30,000 per season.

We would like to remind you of two of our valued sponsors in Jeff Hind Smash Repairs and Astoria Honda Brighton.



Jeff Hind Smash repairs in Boundary Rd Bentleigh East are a very professional company who have been in business for 30 years providing excellent repairs to cars. Jeff is an ex Mackie player and has been a sponsor for many years which we have greatly appreciated. Jumbo and Skip have both had cars repaired by Jeff and they can certainly recommend their repairs as being a first-class job.

A point of interest is that when taking out car insurance please ensure that your policy enables you to go to the repairer of your choice. Jeff will do any minor or major repairs so do not hesitate to give him a call on 9563 7955 for assistance.

Astoria Honda Brighton joined us in recent years and has a full range of new Honda Vehicles. Peter and Leanne Clements purchased a Honda from them and have been very happy with their purchase and customer service and consequently can recommend them to any prospective buyers. Astoria Honda is having an End Of Financial Sale so if you would like a great deal please ring David Ferguson on 9563 9999. If you are looking for a pre-owned car, go down to their premises at 961 North Rd Bentleigh East.

In addition, Brighton Renault and Brighton Suzuki are also under the same umbrella so if you are looking for a Renault please ring 9599 2100 or a Suzuki please ring 9599 2111. Not only do they all provide great cars but also great servicing facilities. Even if you have not purchased a car from any of the above companies you would be most welcome to have your car serviced by them.

Clearly both companies, like many other companies, have had a decrease in their business in recent months but now that we are starting to get back to normal if you need to repair your car, service it or are looking to upgrade your car it would be greatly appreciated if you were able to utilise either of our above two sponsors.

Many thanks